An abandoned sand and gravel quarry, previously used as an industrial waste disposal site, has been successfully remediated using DeWind’s innovative One-Pass Trenching Technology.
The site had a history of accepting distillation waste from a local solvent recycler. Strong odors from the disposal activities sparked citizen complaints, prompting an investigation by state officials. Disposal operations ceased in 1974, but studies revealed significant contamination of the shallow groundwater, including organic chemicals such as benzene, chlorobenzene, trichloroethane, and vinyl chloride, as well as various metals. Over time, these contaminants migrated into the underlying aquifer, a critical source of drinking water for local residents.
The federal government, under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), took responsibility for the cleanup. The site was added to the National Priorities List, and cleanup efforts have spanned decades. These efforts were guided by three separate Records of Decision, each outlining specific remediation steps.
DeWind One-Pass Trenching played a pivotal role in addressing the contamination. This cutting-edge technology enabled precise, efficient containment and remediation of the affected groundwater, ensuring long-term environmental protection.