One-Pass Collection Trenches / Recovery Systems

Groundwater Collection, Leachate Collection, Toe Drains, Injection Trenches, Slope Stability Interceptor Trenches / Pressure Relief Trenches, Dewatering Trenches, Soil Vapor Extraction Trenches, Etc...

DeWind stands at the forefront of groundwater recovery technology with its revolutionary One-Pass Groundwater Recovery System, also known as a Collection Trench or Seepage Collection Trench. This innovative solution is specifically designed for installing deep groundwater systems as well as product recovery systems in highly contaminated soils – particularly in areas with high water tables.


What DeWind Offers

DeWind’s One-Pass system provides an advanced approach to tackling challenges like:

    • Contaminated Groundwater Recovery
    • Leachate Collection
    • Slope Stability Interceptor / Pressure Relief Trenches
    • Dewatering Trenches
    • And more specialized groundwater and environmental management needs.

In addition, DeWind offers direct-bury technology for large-diameter HDPE single-wall pipes, capable of precise installations in fluid soils beneath the water table.

How DeWind Does It

DeWind’s One-Pass Trenching Technology redefines efficiency and safety by combining multiple tasks into a single, seamless operation. Here’s how the process works:

Advanced Trenchers: Specialized trenchers are used to set large-diameter steel or stainless-steel sump casings, pre-connected to horizontal slotted HDPE SDR 11 collection pipes.


Rear Hopper System for Restricted Workspaces: In cases where the working platform width is restricted, DeWind’s rear hopper system provides a unique solution. This system enables the installation of collection trenches and permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) to depths of up to 60 feet. This can be done from working platforms even as narrow as 30 feet wide. It allows installations as close as 10 feet from buildings, near areas with heavy traffic, or on narrow raised platforms. The rear hopper system functions as follows:


  • A large hopper is mounted on the back of the trencher, continuously refilled by wheel loaders from behind.
  • The rear hopper feeds a series of conveyor belts traveling over the top of the trencher.
  • These conveyor belts empty the material into a chute, which then feeds the front hopper of the trencher.

Simultaneous Operations: In a single pass, the sump casing is installed, the horizontal pipe is laid precisely on grade at the bottom of the trench, and the trench is backfilled with a continuous wall of stone (or other engineered backfill), filled to the surface.

Precision Tools: Laser-guided technology ensures accuracy and efficiency throughout the installation process.


For direct-bury applications, DeWind’s technology allows for the installation of large-diameter poly force main pipes and gravity drainpipes (up to 24 inches in diameter and 40 feet deep) with no need for dewatering or excavation support. Thousands of feet can be installed in just one day – with optimal soil conditions.

Why DeWind Excels

DeWind’s approach stands out for several reasons:

  • Elimination of Conventional Challenges: Unlike traditional methods, the One-Pass system avoids the need for dewatering, pumping, and treating contaminated water, as well as trench shoring, sheeting, and the management of large volumes of hazardous spoils. This dramatically reduces costs, time, and risks.
  • Safety and Speed: By eliminating dangerous open excavations and integrating all operations into a single pass, DeWind ensures fast and safe installations, even in challenging environments. The US department of labor reports that 166 people died because of open trenches in the USA between 2011 – 2018, emphasizing that DeWinds techniques eliminate a critical construction risk. 
  • Innovative Technology: DeWind’s equipment uses advanced features like laser-guided precision, custom attachments, and real-time monitoring, ensuring reliable and consistent results.
  • Proven Expertise: With years of experience in tackling complex projects, DeWind is a trusted leader in groundwater recovery and related services.

DeWind’s One-Pass Groundwater Recovery System and direct-bury technologies offer unparalleled efficiency, precision, and safety for a wide range of groundwater and environmental management projects. By eliminating outdated, labor-intensive methods, DeWind provides a cost-effective, innovative solution for even the most challenging sites.