Hydraulic Barrier Walls
Commonly referred to as a slurry wall, cutoff wall, or barrier wall. DeWind One-Pass Trenchers can mix-in-place native soils with typical additives of bentonite, cement, and slag up to 150 feet deep x 3 feet wide depending on site soil conditions.
One-Pass Trencher technology allows for a complete homogenized wall from top to bottom and from start to finish. With DeWind’s continuous vertical and horizontal mixing process there is virtually zero possibility for windows, or voids, in the barrier wall. Carbide cutting bits ensure a secure seal to any confining layer. DeWind One-Pass Trenchers are so powerful they can blend a dense soil profile in place. The ability to mix a dense blend of soil and additives makes the One-Pass Technology ideal for dam and levee repair. By ensuring a dense soil mixture, and no open trench, the integrity of the gravity dam is not compromised during installation-there by reducing risks of dam failure.
DeWind has developed and patented specific quality control features. These quality control mechanisms are incorporated into our One-Pass Trenchers to ensure a homogenously mixed barrier wall regardless of changing soil conditions. The Trenchers are equipped with metered delivery systems, water injection nozzles, water and slurry injection ports, speed controls, synchronized chain and track rotation, and laser and GPS measures carefully controlling all aspects of what changes to the trencher or mixing are needed.
Details & Benefits:
- Trench Depths: up to 150 feet deep x 3 ft wide
- Trench Width: 21”, 24”, 30”, 36”, 48”, 60”, 72” (custom widths and depth available)
- Installation Speed: typically 5-6 inches per minute depending on soil profile and depth
- Benefits: In-situ mixing, homogenously mixed wall from top to bottom, low slump, secure key or seal, no voids or windows